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Helsinki Aviapolis Urban Blocks

2017  Helsinki Finland




"The Half Hour City" is a concept proposal for mixed use development near Helsinki-Vantaa airport. Aiming at a total of 140,000 sqm housing program, the project seeks to create a vibrant dwelling environment in the near future.


In today’s fast-paced society, half an hour is a life attitude. It is neither too slow to lose efficiency, nor too fast to depreciate the quality of life. Half an hour is our measurement to envision a new residential community: mixed-use, well organized, transit-oriented, pedestrian friendly and most importantly, to live harmonious with the surrounding nature.


The overall development will be delivered in phases, and with careful consideration of the existing site conditions. Preservation of existing elements of nature is a critical point for the new plan. The existing stream bed is preserved and further frames the essential structure of the new neighborhood park system. The original stream bed is reformed for storm water management and most of the trees on the site are preserved or relocated nearby. Green roofs and solar panels further contribute to the sustainability of the community.


Existing Site Condition


Site Analyses


Site Plan


​Phasing Diagram


Street Section


Road Ralssitie Streetscape


Mix-use Development Diagram


Building Typology


Site Diagram


Central Park View


Regionally, the proposed plan nests in the broader city transportation system. The site is easily accessible through highway, light rail, and public bus system. Existing large city blocks have been divided by fine grid into smaller urban blocks, ranging from 100mx100m to 100mx150m, resulting in a much more compact, walk-able neighborhood with more active street frontage.


Most local streets have a 18m wide street section to create an intimate and pedestrian friendly walking experience. All the roads also have at least one designated bike lane to allow easy and safe bike commute.


The proposed plan blends residential, commercial, service, cultural and education together, both within individual blocks and across the overall site, leading to a more compact development with strong neighborhood characters. Mix-use and flexibility are two keywords for the architectural components. The building typologies are highly adaptable and can evolve to accommodate new generation of program requirements for the future. With a variety of 3 residential housing types, the system could address both small to large units and middle to high density. Two ATOMI building are introduced for early day care to middle school education while servicing the entire community with its public features. The parking garages are also designed for adaptive reuse to accommodate flexible future program changes.

结合自然,功能和建筑创新,“半小时城市”给万塔带来的不仅仅是一个行之有效,实际方便的都市社区,更是一种全新的生活体验 —— 一种居民与文化,居民与社区以及居民与自然之间“半小时”的亲密关系。

Combining nature, functionality and architectural excitement, The half hour city envisions not only a practical neighborhood which enables urban dwellers to enjoy a convenient lifestyle close to work, but also a differentiated sense of place --- one that benefits from the “half hour” intimate, to culture, to community, to nature. 

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